Nigerian Copyright Academy (NCA) is an arm of the Nigerian Copyright Commission (NCC) with primary responsibility for:
i. Providing training and learning platforms to members of staff; stakeholders, administrators and policy makers in the copyright industries; IP teachers and researchers; members of the Bar and Bench as well as the public;
ii. Dissemination of intellectual property knowledge to children and the development of learning kits, curricula and appropriate text materials for use in schools;
iii. Promoting teaching of intellectual property in tertiary institutions and special institutions;
iv. Developing standard curricula for teaching of copyright and other intellectual property courses in tertiary institutions;
v. Providing support service for University lecturers and students towards their teaching and research needs in respect of IP;
vi. Publication of monographs, journals and special publications on IP to boost availability of materials to support IP Teaching and specialisation;
vii. Organising Annual Copyright Lecture of the Commission;
viii. Organising regular Workshops, Seminars, Roundtables for different sectors of the copyright industry; and
ix. Conducting research and surveys on important IP issues.
2.1 The NCA is structured into two Units in addition to the Office of the Director, NCA. The Units are as follows:
i. Office of the Director
ii. Programmes and Training Unit
iii. Research and Publications
3.1 Office of Director, NCA:
i. Overall coordination and supervision of the Department in the performance of its functions.
ii. Representing the Department at Management.
iii. Performing any other functions assigned by the DG or Management.
3.2 Programmes and Training Unit:
i. Organising trainings for members of staff; stakeholders, administrators and policy makers in the copyright industries; and IP teachers and researchers; members of the Bar and Bench as well as the public;
ii. Coordination of the Commission’s outreach and dissemination of intellectual property knowledge to youths and school students/children;
iii. Development of learning kits, curricula and appropriate text materials for use in schools in support of the Youths and Schools Outreach;
iv. Organising the Annual Copyright Lecture of the Commission;
v. Organising regular Workshops, Seminars, Roundtables for different sectors of the copyright industry; and
vi. Performing any other functions assigned by the Head of Department
3.3 Research and Publications Unit:
i. Publication of monographs, journals and special publications on IP to boost availability of materials to support IP Teaching and specialization;
ii. conducting research and surveys on important IP issues.
iii. developing standard curricula for teaching of copyright and other intellectual property courses in tertiary institutions;
iv. Providing support service for University lecturers and students towards their teaching and research needs in respect of IP; and
v. Performing any other functions assigned by the Head of department.