From the Director-General
Creativity remains a major vehicle of economic development in today’s knowledge driven economy. Fortunately, Nigeria is well endowed with creative talents and it has distinguished itself in the film, music, literary works and the arts.
The recent COVID-19 pandemic has accentuated the vulnerability of the creative sector. It shows that unless the delicate balance between the rights of copyright owners and the need for access is well managed, the fortunes of the practitioners in the creative industry and the sustainability of the creative industry would be in jeopardy. While technology is enhancing the production, distribution and enjoyment of copyright works, it has also thrown up new challenges as unauthorised exploitation has also become easy across various digital platforms.
In discharging its statutory mandates, the Commission is aware of the many challenges, including the convergence of disruptive technologies, the blurring of national boundaries in the protection of rights and the ease of dissemination in a digital environment, confronting the administration of copyright. It therefore remains committed to a strong, sustainable and solution-driven copyright system that is able to sustain the creative industries and the knowledge ecosystem.
As always, we are committed to our mission to advance the growth of the creative industry in Nigeria through an efficient administration of the copyright system with a view to harnessing the potentials of creativity for national development.